Hello, I'm
Thanks for stopping by my site! I wonder if you are like I was - wondering if this is a scam. If so, thanks for your honesty! I admit, I believed a "real job" was to work for someone else or have your own franchise. But you'll see from my story there is another way.
I was always interested in health care and teaching so I became a registered nurse and then went on to get my master's degree and am a certified nurse midwife. While I stopped "catching babies" about 10 years ago, I continue to do office well women obstetrical and gynecological care Monday through Friday. However, I have learned that even in medicine, downsizing and closures occur. In the last 6 years; 2 practices closed their doors and 2 downsized. Each time I found myself in the ranks of the unemployed. After this last closure, I was at a crossroads. Do I continue to be dependent on someone else for a job, or do I craft a life doing work that makes a positive impact, leaves a legacy, and I enjoy? In addition, retirement is only a few years away and I knew I needed more income than just social security.
I didn't have to search far for an answer. I had been using products from the No. 1 natural nutritional company in America for the last 40 years, but didn't think the business opportunity was for me. When I really looked at the opportunity and saw all the benefits of this opportunity, I wished I had taken advantage of it before. This is one of the reasons this site was created. I wanted to share what I've learned about creating a lifestyle of personal freedom as an online entrepreneur.
I'm also looking to connect and work
with like-minded people. With the recent financial crisis and the impact of COVID, not only on our health, but employment, I belief that what I have to share
is more important than ever.
Whether your dream is escaping the 9-5 grind, real-life adventure travel, retirement income like me, extra monthly income, or simply a dramatic career change, this site will give you insight into the tools needed to
make it a reality in the here-and-now instead of in your golden years, when you're too old to
enjoy it.
If you'd like some guidance in your desire to find freedom as an online entrepreneur, we should
connect. You can learn more about working with me here.
I'm also a real and fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook, and you can also connect with me on my Fan page. You'll see that I like to hike, kayak, run and explore Virginia and the surrounding states. I also enjoy going back to my hometown of Chicago where my son, Eric, resides and we play together there and I get a chance to visit my sister, Lee and her family, and my best friend, Darlene.
Thanks again for visiting my site and I hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of
personal freedom.
Here's to your health, vitality and freedom!
Sue Mersch, CNM